Habitat & Ecosystem Restoration


Loss of habitat continues to be the single most prevalent threat to bird life. The habitat and ecosystem restoration program is a key component of the Avian Conservation Uganda Society’s
work to protect and restore bird populations.

The program focuses on restoring degraded habitats and creating new habitats that are beneficial to birds.

One of the main goals of the habitat and ecosystem restoration program is to reduce the impact of human activities on bird populations. This is done by working to restore degraded and modified habitats, such as farmlands, wetlands and forests, and creating new habitats, such as bird sanctuaries and nature preserves. The program also works to educate the public about the importance of protecting bird habitats and ecosystems.

The habitat and ecosystem restoration program is been implemented at Bethany Land Institute in Bombo, Kaynela Farms Ltd in Kayunga and aims to build more strategic partnerships with land owners to restore degraded habitats and creating new habitats that are beneficial to birds.

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