What is Conservation?


Webinar presented by Peter Jones
On the enlightening day of July 8, 2023, Peter Jones, Founder and President of Andalucía
Bird Society, delivered a captivating webinar on the essence of conservation. In the engaging
session, Peter delved into the multifaceted concept of conservation, highlighting its mission
to protect nature’s resources and preserve biological diversity.

Before the webinar unfolded, ACUS’ Secretary General; Mukama Joshua painted a picture of
ACUS’s current status in Uganda’s avian conservation landscape and highlighted the
organization goals. He eloquently stressed the power of collaboration by fostering strong
networks within the birdwatching community. Through awareness excursions to different
corners of the country, ACUS not only enlightened the public about the importance of bird
habitats but also instilled a profound appreciation for the role birds play in maintaining
ecological balance.

Moreover, Joshua ‘s narration revealed ACUS’s dedication to establishing bird clubs in
educational institutions to provide a platform for interaction, knowledge-sharing and
knowledge production to inspire young minds to embrace the study of birds and their

Drawing from his vast experiences, the Presenter of the day; Peter shared strategies for
steady growth and future prospects, emphasizing the importance of patience and dedication.
Peter explained that conservation isn’t just about shielding nature from human impact, but it
also advocates for the sustainable use of natural resources, striking a balance between
human activities and environmental preservation. He stressed the significance of preserving
distinct populations of species to maintain their genetic richness and prevent extinction.
Discussing the role of conservation societies, Peter emphasized how the work of
conservation organizations is vital for conservation efforts. These organizations raise
awareness, mitigate habitat loss, and promote habitat protection to safeguard diverse avian

As conservation efforts transcend national borders, Peter emphasized the importance of
seeking international collaboration. ACUS, considering affiliation with Birdlife International,
can provide valuable mentorship, capacity building opportunities for the shared goal of
preserving birds and their habitats.

Peter shed light on the multidisciplinary nature of conservation work, where techniques to
prevent biodiversity loss incorporate aspects of economics, law, social sciences, and religion,
making it a holistic approach.

He also discussed how conservation priorities are determined, based on regional
significance and global conservation impact. Collaboration with volunteers and local groups
empowers societies like ACUS to prioritize regional projects effectively.
Highlighting the success of restoration projects, Peter revealed Andalucía’s involvement in
revitalizing biodiversity through wetland and salt pond restoration, creating ideal
environments for breeding birds and other wildlife.

To support their conservation initiatives, fundraising and community engagement play a
pivotal role. ACUS needs to organize vents to attract donations and foster community
support for their cause.

Leveraging various media and publications, Andalucía spreads awareness about their
conservation efforts and attracts new members through a quarterly magazine showcasing
their work.

Drawing lessons from flagship projects involving Montagu’s Harrier and Lesser Kestrel,
Peter detailed innovative strategies to protect these species, ensuring their survival amidst
changing environments.

Addressing climate change, Peter stressed the need for adaptive conservation strategies
involving long-term monitoring, habitat restoration, climate-adaptive nesting sites, and public

Understanding regional disparities in bird responses to climate change enables targeted
conservation efforts, considering factors like climate variation, habitat suitability, and
migratory behaviors.

Despite funding challenges, Peter offered potential solutions for avian conservationists in
Uganda, such as seeking diverse funding sources and forming international partnerships with
renowned scientists.

In conclusion, Peter Jones’s comprehensive presentation highlighted the vital importance of
conservation, empowering societies such as ACUS to make a lasting impact in preserving
avian biodiversity and our natural world.